Death Notice vs. Obituary? What’s the Difference?
When someone dies, their death notice is usually published in a timely fashion in the newspaper, and/or published online on websites dedicated to death notices
I wish to support you and empower you so that you will make it through this difficult time after the death of someone very dear to you without unnecessary additional challenges. The pain of grief is unavoidable, but you do not have to go through this alone and without a roadmap.
Some of the links I will be providing on this page are practical resources to explore what options are available to you and what responsibilities are expected of you in the immediate aftermath after someone you loved has died. These perhaps help explain more elements around planning the funeral or Celebration of Life event, or the myriad of other tasks to take care of or consider when someone close to you has just died.
Other resources on this page are more related to the long-term emotional journey this grief will be. I write about tools & framings that have been helpful to me personally during my deepest periods of grief. I also explore what I’ve learned from others regarding their grief experiences. It can be difficult to cope and move forward in a painful time of loss.
I am working to post new articles on a regular basis. Please subscribe using the form at the bottom of this page, if you’re interested in being notified when a new article is up!
When someone dies, their death notice is usually published in a timely fashion in the newspaper, and/or published online on websites dedicated to death notices
When faced with the loss of someone close to you, it’s common to seek answers to questions such as, “How long after someone dies is
Written by Emily Karp, December 2022. Last Updated September 2023. Sometimes, the loss you’re going through feels completely overwhelming. There’s so much emotion and you